National Donate Life Month (NDLM) was established by Donate Life America and its partnering organizations in 2003. Celebrated in April each year, NDLM features an entire month of local, regional and national activities to help encourage Americans to register as organ, eye and tissue donors and to celebrate those that have saved lives through the gift of donation.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, staying digitally connected is more important now than ever. While we remain sensitive to what’s happening in our world, we equally understand that the topic of organ, eye, and tissue donation remains vital.
With more than 3,000 people currently waiting for a life-saving transplant in our state, it’s vital that we share the power of doing good! Our team created a virtual challenge for Donate Life Month 2020 to help you honor your loved ones, your community, and yourself in hopes that sharing a little bit of good each day will help brighten someone else’s.
Each day for 30 days, Donate Life NC invites you to participate in the #ShareYourGood Challenge.
It's Simple!
It’s simple! We challenge you to share a photo of yourself participating in something you’re doing that day. Use the calendar below to #ShareYourGood with friends and followers on social media with the tags #ShareYourGood and @DonateLifeNC to be entered to win multiple prizes, including daily winners! (Keep reading for exact details.)
How to Join
1. Participate in the day’s activity. (e.g: read a new book).
2. Snap a photo of yourself doing the activity.
3. Post your photo to social media (make sure your post is public) with the tags #ShareYourGood and @DonateLifeNC, and challenge at least one friend to respond.
And that’s it! Each week, the Donate Life NC staff will compile entries. We’ll pick a winner each day and one grand prize winner for that week’s larger prize. By entering, you give us permission to contact you through social media and to share your post with our followers and on our website.
If you want the full month's activities ahead of time, download our TOOLKIT HERE or text the keyword ShareGood to 56525 for reminders.
You can also visit back here or over our social media daily @DonateLifeNC for each day's activity. Below is Katherine, our Outreach Coordinator, giving you a jump start! Happy Donate Life Month and don't forget to #ShareYourGood
Today I'm showing some love for my cat, Luna! She is my work from home office buddy while I make sure to keep myself and others healthy by practicing social distancing. I'm a living donor and my dad is my recipient so Luna and I are staying in touch through FaceTime and phone calls with family. I'm so happy to have such a cute, loving pet in my life #sharethegood. I'm challenging @JaneSmith to #sharethegood with @DonateLifeNC by dropping a pic of yourself showing love today.