How often have we said this to a friend who may need help moving, or a neighbor who is home-bound, or a spouse who is working late? “Just let me know how I can help!” How often have we heard this from a friend?
At times, it is easy to say this and feel like you are helping in some way by just making the offer.
What would be more helpful is to offer something concrete, something tangible, something now! Perhaps telling your friend, “I’ll be over at 10:00 a.m. to help you pack.” Or just knocking on your neighbor’s door with a meal they can eat right away or freeze for later.
Maybe there’s a family member, a friend, a co-worker or even someone you’ve never met that needs YOUR help. What YOU can give and the impact YOU can have on someone’s life is amazing!
I’ve met many who have been impacted by someone’s decision to be an organ donor! Transplant recipients who are so grateful that someone took the steps to register as a donor and save their life. Donor family members who find the strength to give in the midst of their pain. Many, many more who are so excited to pull out their licenses and proudly show their heart--just because they were asked at the DMV!
As we approach #GivingTuesday, leading into the holiday season, here are some tangible ways YOU can show your support!
- Register to be a donor, at the DMV or online at DonateLifeNC.Org/Register
- Volunteer for a specific outreach opportunity, advocating for donation at DonateLifeNC.org/content/volunteer
- Inspire someone else to give the gift of life--share your story with us at DonateLifeNC.org/blog/share-your-story
- Make a financial contribution at DonateLifeNC.Org/content/make-financial-contribution